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Revision as of 15:29, 2 July 2020 by Kademlia (talk | contribs) (Created page with "◄ SL20W27 | SL20W29 ►<br /> ==Grave== '''Update FPanel Implementation to allow Images to be rotated up and down''' '''Idea: How can array looku...")
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◄ SL20W27 | SL20W29 ►


Update FPanel Implementation to allow Images to be rotated up and down

Idea: How can array lookups be slower than a hashmap?

Idea: How to use Players as QA (TraceHelper)

Idea: Explain what makes crops growing slow in minecraft (chunk loading / page cache cpu problem)

  • Missing Sound for 2+ Month sub notifications
  • Test text2speech
  • Countdown clock on stream starting (+ coffee clock)
  • Update /land info command to the new system
    • Try to implement onclick events for plot flags
    • SL20W23: Amazing visual updates we need to implement (from 22855)
  • Bug: ? TileEntities are not deleted correclty? Chests dont drop their loot sometimes on removal?
  • Bug: Bungeecord steals /server command
  • Bug: Turtle helmet will result in constant EntityEffect Event spam: ( this.addEffect(new MobEffect(MobEffects.WATER_BREATHING, 200, 0, false, false,
  • Bug: Two implementations of "OnlineStats". Remove the old impl (StatsPod.onlineTimes)
  • Change Controller for OnlineTimes to /user/[podtype?]/... /user/onlinetime/ /user/stats

Open Offstream Todolist:

Bug: Moving lightdata upwards with CChunk will not generate new chunksections?

Bug: Make sure the executing player of a chunkli action cannot execute commands while the action is running (except OPs)

RegenWorldAreaAction needs a param if we want to use slow or forced writes ( conf.setForceWrite(false); conf.setForceRead(false); )

Bug?: ResponseEntity tries to compare non comparable values?

Bug: Shop output and transaction numbers do not match (0.01 cent off; caused by fees?)

Move the ShopSign Text to the json/Shop.class

Bug: Somehow the heightmap of chunks gets broken resulting in plants not growing correclty? What causes this?

Shop: any (Buy anything in the shop for the same price)

Hide Items in the Shop that cannot be bought (bedrock?) but keep items with custom display names! (info area)

LibId: Create head on existing lib is bugged (partially fixed...)

LibMeta libMeta = KAccessI.getLibraryManager().get(c.getName()); KAccessI.getLibraryManager().removeProxy(libMeta.getLibId(), bItemType.Head);

F: Crafting Recipes do not check any permission? Do we want to hide some recipes behind perms? (Leveling System)


Missing Feature: /chunk rotate does not rotate fmodels/fplayer

Offstream: Fox-AI is shit. We need to limit foxes and/or remove parts of the AI app//net.minecraft.server.PathfinderGoalFleeSun.c(SourceFile:67)

Idea: Keep a ChatHistory based on each user ( json chat output data + command history data )

(offstream) Bug: slowlySaveLevel with IOThread and fakechunks creates syncroinzation problems ultimately resulting in errors on chunk saving

Add and check permissions for each useroption.

Add and check permissions for specific recipes?

OffStream: Move the ShopSign Text to the json/Shop.class

OffStream: Shop: any (Buy anything in the shop for the same price)

Idea: SuffixSearchTree takes a LOT of time to rebuild (onDelete) maybe use some other searchtree implementation?

Add "error sound" that gets played if the user is spamming / should stop typing too much in chat

API Requests:

  • Give all existing worlds
  • Give all existing accounts
  • Give UUID -> PlayerName lookup
  • Transaction
    • Monthly (cached possibly?)
    • Item LibId TransactionBuilder
    • Item Quantity TransactionBuilder
  • ItemLibrary
    • LibId exporting?